CampyGen Compact for 1 or 2 Petri dishes, is a simple system for generating microaerobic conditions. The system consists of a plastic pouch and sealing clip and a paper gas generating sachet. The...
AnaeroGen was used in the methodology for detecting bifidobacteria in meat and meat products in an investigation into the suitability of these organisms as indicators of faecal contamination...
Thermo Scientific- Oxoid - AnaeroGen- Compact Sachet is a simple anaerobic gas generator system for the anaerobic incubation of up to four petri dishes or an identification panel.
The Staphylase Test Kit is a rapid and easy-to-use test for identifying Staphylococcus aureus. It contains all the necessary reagents and materials, and can be used to quickly and accurately identify...
Staphytect Plus is a latex slide agglutination test 1 for the differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus by detection of clumping factor, Protein A and certain polysaccharides found in methicillin...