The HI-93728-01 are high quality reagents that are pre-measured, allowing for users to achieve fast and accurate measurements via a colour. The method is an adaptation of the cadmium reduction method...
For determination of MR and HR nitrate by the NitraVer® 5 cadmium reduction method. 0.1 to 10.0 or 0.3 to 30.0 mg/L as nitrate-N. Hach methods 8039 and 8171. Sample Size: 10 mL. Pack of 300 Powder...
Cuvette test (Ø 16 mm) completely equipped with all reagents, optimised for reliable measuring results and easy handling. TNT = Test 'N Tube16 mm TNT products can be evaluated on DR900 only. In case...
As a rule, liquid reagents do not consist of a single preparation but comprise several components that need to be added to the sample in a certain order.
As both the size and the number of drops have...